It is every parents dream to ensure that their children get the possible education – some even start planning and saving for it since the day their kids are born. However, higher education is an expensive affair, especially if you want to send your child to a foreign university. Other than the tuition fees, you will also need to factor in the cost of living. These can vary from country to country and city to city as well. It is important that you factor in both heads of expenses while chalking out your budget. Here is a look at how much it costs to study in six top destinations. 1. Uni
New in-depth look at the price of hosting EU and non-EU students shows benefits far outweigh cost to taxpayer International students are worth about 10 times more to the UK economy than they cost the taxpayer, according to a new report that will add to pressure currently mounting on the country’s government for a shift in policy on the issue. The analysis, which, unlike most similar studies in the past, looks at the cost of hosting overseas students as well as the benefits, calculates the bill at £2.3 billion, including use of the NHS and other public services. This is sti is an extensive search engine for anyone who wants precise, authentic and upto date information on everything related to education & careers various courses, schools (from primary to higher secondary) and colleges.
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